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Community Outreach 

SUMMER / FALL 2016 - Jefferson Elementary School, Gahanna, OH 

Not every child wants to run around and play during recess. The CSLAA created two outdoor reading areas, located on either side of the playground, providing a more quiet, tranquil setting for those wanting to read, study or simply relax.

For each "room", we incorporated the existing trees on the playground, added a bench with a pergola, a lot of kid-friendly plants, some fun outdoor decor and a colorful free-book library box.

A small team of alumni and Jefferson volunteers broke ground on July 16. After a few weeks, the barely noticed playground areas had been transformed into highly talked about and heavily visited reading areas! The students love them, the faculty was blown away and the community has embraced them.

The CSLAA volunteered over 80 hours of labor and purchased more than $1500 in materials!

Local businesses and Jefferson families contributed materials worth over $650!

Jefferson families and friends donated over $800 and volunteered over 50 hours!

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